What is a Root Canal?

When a tooth’s pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to caries, injuries, or numerous restorations, the tooth may require root canal therapy. It will entail opening the access, removing the pulp, cleaning and structuring the canals, and replacing it with inert gutta percha material. Following root canal therapy, the tooth will require crown restoration.  A dental crown or cap can be built of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM), or all-ceramic materials. Each cap or crown is chosen based on the patient’s budget, whether it will be placed in the front or back, and its quality.

When is a root canal needed?

-Continuous or Intermittent toothache
-Numerous restorations

-Tooth decay (caries)
-Night pain

How long does a root canal take?

It usually takes a week to completely recover from a root canal treatment. A skilled dentist can do the entire operation in one session. Typically, the entire operation is completed in two to three sessions or visits, utilizing only little of the patients’ time.

Root Canal Procedure:

The entire root canal procedure may take place in one sitting, or at times 2 or 3 sessions depending on the condition of the tooth. Each sitting may last between 30 – 90 minutes. It is a simple procedure with relatively little or no discomfort.
-At the outset, local anesthesia is administered to the tooth which is to be treated.
-After the tooth and the surrounding areas become numb, the endodontist drills an opening through the crown or the biting surface of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. If it is a front tooth, the endodontist drills an opening from behind the tooth.
-Using special files the endodontist cleans out the infected, diseased and dead pulp from the canals. The procedure does not cause any pain as the area is numb due to the anesthesia, and the tissue that is removed is dead.
-Once all the infected and dead tissue is removed, the canals are disinfected using disinfectants.
-The canals are then shaped with fine instruments so that they can be filled with the root canal fillings known as gutta-percha and sealed. During the process of shaping, the irrigation method is used to wash and clean the canals and remove the debris, before inserting the fillings and sealing the tooth.
-A temporary cover material that acts like a seal is placed above the gutta-percha. This covering material is kept in place till a crown or a cap which looks like a normal tooth is fitted atop the treated tooth.
-At times, a post (a small metal screw) is inserted into the canal next to the gutta-percha to give the crown more support.
-Thereafter, the crown is cemented in place so that it never dislodges.

Who is not eligible for root canal treatment?

You are not eligible for root canal treatment if you are:
– Suffering from high blood pressure/hypertension.

– Taking blood thinners (the endodontist may ask you to stop taking the blood thinners for a couple of days prior to the treatment).

– Suffering from diabetes.
– Suffering from autoimmune diseases.

– Suffering from infections and fever.

– Suffering from osteoporosis.

Post-treatment Care:

The post-treatment guidelines of root canal treatment include:
-Take the antibiotics as advised by the dentist.
-Maintaining good oral hygiene is extremely important, with regular brushing and teeth flossing.

-It is advisable to not eat or drink anything for a couple of hours after root canal treatment. Since the treated area is numb, there are chances of accidentally biting your teeth or tongue while eating. You can eat after the numbness wears off.
-Avoid hard and crunchy foods for a few days after a root canal treatment.

-If the opening on your teeth has been filled with a temporary filling, chances are that some of the fillings may wear off in between appointments. If the entire filling wears off you need to consult your dentist immediately.

Advantages of Root Canal:

Root canal treatment is virtually painless and often leaves you with less discomfort during recovery than if you have your natural tooth extracted. Thanks to modern techniques and effective anesthesia, patients who experience root canals are six times more likely to describe it as painless than patients who have a tooth extracted! The advantages of Root Canal are as follows:
– Painless
– Comfortable
– Effective

Root Canal Treatment Clinics:

We provide the best healthcare facilities for dentistry. Our multispecialty clinics are situated in the following locations:

Our Main Centre for Root Canal Treatment in Dadar, Mumbai

Our Centre’s for Root Canal Treatment

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Byculla Branch

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Marine Lines Branch

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Dadar Branch

One can visit any of our branches that are nearby to your location for the best overall healthcare. Our experts not only provide superior quality care using the latest technologies but also provide complete treatment along with dentistry facilities and post-treatment care.